Sunday, 27 December 2015

Experimenting with luminosity masks

I shot this image on a secluded Creek near Kingston New Brunswick in 2013. The real problem was the extremely wide dynamic range. Unfortunately I did not bracket the shot and I had a finger in the right lower corner. I have tried 30 iterations of this image but could never get it the way I saw it when I took it.

Recently I have been using luminosity masks much more frequently so I decided to make one more stab at this image.

In LR I increased exposure as much as possible, reduced the shadows as much as possible and shifted the blacks the right until I got to the place that there were no under or over exposed areas.

However when I got to Photoshop CC the image was very flat so I decided to use various luminosity masks to process the image. Even when looking at the darker areas of the image I don't see much noise. I'm Really very satisfied with the final result.